Collections cost effective
The traditional way to transport waste cardboard is with large, heavy skips on the back of large wagons with a total road weight of 21 tonne. The BAKKIE system can be driven on an ordinary licence, needs no tacho and has a road weight of only 3.5 tonne saving you fuel and collection costs.
Collections made easier & quicker
Lightweight, highly maneuverable 12 cubic metre caged skips can be parked right next to the job producing the waste cardboard. When full, the skips can be easily and quickly exchanged for an empty one without halting production. Smaller, lighter vehicles enable better access and quicker turn around of skips
Reduce your carbon footprint
Greatly reduced emissions on the BAKKIE vehicle with far less fuel consumption and road wear. Energy savings with no compactor or baler to run.
Adaptable to other applications
We are able to adapt the cages to suit other applications such as tansportable portacabins, porta-loos and flatbed traliers.